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Animated GIFs

Scrimage supports reading and writing animated GIFs.


We read an instance of an AnimatedGif by using the method, passing in an ImageSource. The image source can be constructed from files, bytes, input streams and so on.

Once we have the animated gif object, we can inspect that to retrieve an ImmutableImage per frame, the total number of frames, delay per frame and so on.

AnimatedGif gif =;
ImmutableImage firstFrame = gif.getFrame(0);
ImmutableImage lastFrame = gif.getFrame(gif.getFrameCount() - 1);
val gif =
val firstFrame = gif.frames().first()
val lastFrame = gif.frames().last()
val gif =
val firstFrame = gif.frames.head
val lastFrame = gif.frames.last


Using the StreamingGifWriter class, first we create an instance of the writer, specifying the frame delay (delay between images) and if we should loop. Then we open a stream, specifying either an output path or an output stream, and the AWT image type we want the images to be created with.

StreamingGifWriter writer = new StreamingGifWriter(Duration.ofSeconds(2), true);
GifStream gif = writer.prepareStream("/path/to/gif.gif", BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
val writer = StreamingGifWriter(Duration.ofSeconds(2), true)
val gif = writer.prepareStream("/path/to/gif.gif", BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB)
val writer = new StreamingGifWriter(Duration.ofSeconds(2), true)
val gif = writer.prepareStream("/path/to/gif.gif", BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB)

Next we can add as many images as we want, each an instance of an ImmutableImage. Eg,


Finally, we close the stream by invoking finish, and the data is finalized to the output stream or path.



Browsers have a minimum frame delay. If you try to set the frame delay lower than the minimum for that browser, the browser will use the default frame delay. The default frame delay is not equal to the minimum. Chrome and Firefox have a minimum frame delay of 0.2 seconds and IE and Safari 0.6 seconds.