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Reading / Writing

Scrimage supports loading and saving of images in the common web formats (png, jpeg, gif, tiff, webp). In addition, it extends javas support by giving you an easy way to set options on the output format when saving.


The TIFF support via javax.imageio has issues with some tiff images. If this happens, try using the scrimage-formats-extra module which provides extra TIFF support via the TwelveMonkeys library.


To load an image we use the ImmutableImageLoader interface. An instance can be created via ImmutableImage.loader().

This allows us to customize loading behavior and specify the input source. Supported sources are input streams, byte arrays, files, paths, classpath resources or anything that implements the ImageSource interface.

For example, to load an image from the filesystem:

ImmutableImage image = ImmutableImage.loader().fromFile(file);
val image = ImmutableImage.loader().fromFile(file)
val image = ImmutableImage.loader().fromFile(file)

or to load from a byte array:

ImmutableImage image = ImmutableImage.loader().fromBytes(bytes);
val image = ImmutableImage.loader().fromBytes(bytes)
val image = ImmutableImage.loader().fromBytes(bytes)

We can load from byte arrays, streams, files, paths, resources and so on.

Image loader options

The ImmutableImageLoader has several options to customize loading.

Option Description
detectOrientation If set to true (the default) then if the image has metadata that indeeds its orientation, then scrimage will rotate the image back to landscape
detectMetadata If set to true (the default) then scrimage will attempt to parse the metadata tags (if any) present in the file
type Sets the BufferedImage type that the loaded image should use. If unspecified then the default of the reader implementation is used
sourceRegion Sets an area to load from the image. If you are loading an image to immediately crop, then this operation can result in less bytes being read from the source


To save a method, Scrimage requires an ImageWriter for the format you wish to persist to. Scrimage does not use the file extension as a way to infer the format.

Then you can use output or bytes to either write to a file or a byte array respectively.

For example, to save an image as a PNG to a file:

ImmutableImage image = ... // some image
// write out to a file
image.output(PngWriter.Default, new File("/home/sam/spaghetti.png"));
val image = ... // some image
// write out to a file
image.output(PngWriter.Default, File("/home/sam/spaghetti.png"))
val image = ... // some image
// write out to a file
image.output(PngWriter.Default, new File("/home/sam/spaghetti.png"))

If you want to override the configuration for a writer then you can do this when you create the writer. For example to save a JPEG with 50% compression:

JpegWriter writer = new JpegWriter().withCompression(50).withProgressive(true);
image.output(writer, new File("/home/sam/spaghetti.png"));
val writer = JpegWriter().withCompression(50).withProgressive(true)
image.output(writer, File("/home/sam/spaghetti.png"))
val writer = new JpegWriter().withCompression(50).withProgressive(true)
image.output(writer, new File("/home/sam/spaghetti.png"))

If you want to override the configuration for a writer then you can do this when you create the writer. For example to save a JPEG with 50% compression as a byte array:

JpegWriter writer = new JpegWriter().withCompression(50).withProgressive(true);
val writer = JpegWriter().withCompression(50).withProgressive(true)
val writer = new JpegWriter().withCompression(50).withProgressive(true)

Supported Writers

The available writers along with supported options are:

Writer Option Description
JpegWriter compression Set a value between 0 (full lossy compression) and 100 (full quality / no compression)
progressive If true then data is compressed in multiple passes of progressively higher detail
PngWriter compression Set to a value between 0 (no compression) and 9 (max compression). Compression in PNG is lossless
GifWriter progressive If true then data is compressed in multiple passes of progressively higher detail